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A few glitches


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Vague title, but there's a lot I need to talk about here.


1st) Curse of Hircine and Legends of the North


-Often, after transforming back from a werewolf or reloading any save game, specifically the ones where my characters are werewolves and ones where I've completed Legends of the North, I can't rest or cast spells in human form in the day. I think it's carrying over stats from the werewolf (ie. can't cast spells or rest), although I can sleep in beds.


-Is there any way to get rid of that Spirit Guardian at the end of Legends of the North? Since I can't use spells after I get it I'm pretty much stuck with a giant ghost which can get pretty annoying, even with being able to order it to stay.



2nd) Dremora Playable


-I'm not sure which mod this was. The issue is that there's something wrong with either textures or meshes since I've downloaded it and I frequently get little black patches on the faces of other NPCs or in my stats screens. It's just annoying as for now, unless it gets worse.




If anyone knows anything about how to fix these, it would be appreciated. If you need a screenshot for the black patches I can get them.





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