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Fifoo...I didn't know you could write!


He does now; I'm one of the people who encouraged him to post in the Garden. :happy:


OH...so you scout talent too?Are you Fifoo's manager? LOL...


Very funny. :rolleyes:

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Fifoo...I didn't know you could write!


He does now; I'm one of the people who encouraged him to post in the Garden. :happy:


OH...so you scout talent too?Are you Fifoo's manager? LOL...

@ Keanumoreira by "encouraged" you don't mean a swift kick in the round end of the back? I hope not.


I like the detailed description of it all most. It fun to read because, in my opinion Fifoo has a full structured world in the head and can bring it to a written form to the reader. Very impressive! 


No, not like that.


Fifoo has always had a knack for writing. When he told me he was a writer, I asked him if he would consider posting in the garden. I didn't bug him about it or anything, I just asked once and I guess he took it.

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Wow. This is very descriptive writing and it draws me in. Wonderful introduction to a story I am already excited to delve into! ^_^ Great job!
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