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Water of life bugs and glitches


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hey guys,


I am having a lot of trouble on the quest "water of life" . Right know im in the room where my dad and that sergeant are having a discussion. but normally *SPOILER* dad would overflow that cabine *SPOILER* and the quest would continue, but instead of that they are just standin there doing nothing. Just looking at each other. What do I have to do now? the quest says, go to the control room, but the marker points to Dad..


any help would be gladly appreciated!




PS: I don't know if I'm allowed to start a topic like this because I'm new, so if I'm wrong please correct me!

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Haha, if I remember correctly I had this same problem.

Sad part is, I don't remember how I fixed it.


Try talking to the other scientist or walking around the basement touching random buttons.

If anything it might be conflict with a mod you might have installed.


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I had this problem for a while as well.


The way I fixed it was by entering the rotunda or whatever the purifier room is from the second door. For some reason, that seemed to trip the animation sequence and the quest/storyline continued from there like normal.


Hope this helps!

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