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A mod that lets you create own Cells (player homes, or caves) Ingame.


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I installed Jaxonz positioner and Renamer recently and while using this mods i got an idea about a mod.

Basically it lets you create your own little cells, so you could create your own homes or little caves ingame.

As far as i know, this should be possible. The only thing i think would be difficult to impossible is the Navmesh. But anyways i will just tell you how i think this mod could work.

A requirement would be Jaxonz Positioner found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52583/?
This mod lets you move basically anything (except patches, but these are only used by exteriors i believe).


So here is the concept.
In CK you create some cells which are completely Empty except for a little collision you can stand on to start building.

In that cells you can then start to create walls and s#*!. (a grid system would be nice here maybe jaxonz would implement it if someone would pick this idea up, jaxonz is a nice person)

To get the lighting done it wouldnt be bad to visualize the Light, like 3d programs do. Maybe just a dummy 3d model of these lines which then will disapper and get replaced with the desired light if you are done with positioning.

Also a way to add some FX like dust falling from the ceiling would be cool, but here i have no idea how to do it.

Then of course we need a way into the cell.
I would do it that way: You spawn a door in, which gets automatically connected to one of the previous created cells (this should be doable with a script. im sure about this! :D)

Also more then one door model or even just placable triggers (triggers maybe for caves) or a trapdoor to get a realistic entrance to whatever you wanna build.


Im not sure about how the static lighting works in skyrim.

Can you just create static lights via a script with the color, radius and brightness you want? If not, you might can create some premade light in CK whith different values for radius, color and brigthness which you then hopefully can spawn in.


Also the Navmesh is a problem i believe. You cant create them on the fly ingame, can you?

Please share your Thoughts about this mod with me :)


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