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Why do people hate on dwarves so much?


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Well, considering that many people consider the game too easy, even with the difficulty levels set extremely high, playing SOLO, I would have to say that their boss level leader doesnt matter much. The plain fact is, is that DW Rogues, DW fighters, and AC mages are very powerful combatants. There's no ego in that, its just simple truth. Once you throw in some really good gear to the equation, it becomes difficult to find a satisfactory enemy to fight, save for dragons. And even then in some situations, for some characters, even that isn't that much more of a challenge.

We probably look at slightly different aspects here -- when i said boss level character, meant just that on the most basic level (comparing just attributes) such NPC is much stronger than the player's charater. While yes, the player can be powerful when they get a number of abilities and gear with high attributes, with these same abilities and gear the boss level NPC would (again) dwarf the player in comparison. So i can see why the dwarves wouldn't be so impressed with a (relatively) scrawny guy, compared to their own. Or to put it differently, if the game is already considered easy consider how even easier it'd be if your character was built "on top" of such boss creature template instead of the default lvl.1 stats.

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Well, considering that many people consider the game too easy, even with the difficulty levels set extremely high, playing SOLO, I would have to say that their boss level leader doesnt matter much. The plain fact is, is that DW Rogues, DW fighters, and AC mages are very powerful combatants. There's no ego in that, its just simple truth. Once you throw in some really good gear to the equation, it becomes difficult to find a satisfactory enemy to fight, save for dragons. And even then in some situations, for some characters, even that isn't that much more of a challenge.

We probably look at slightly different aspects here -- when i said boss level character, meant just that on the most basic level (comparing just attributes) such NPC is much stronger than the player's charater. While yes, the player can be powerful when they get a number of abilities and gear with high attributes, with these same abilities and gear the boss level NPC would (again) dwarf the player in comparison. So i can see why the dwarves wouldn't be so impressed with a (relatively) scrawny guy, compared to their own. Or to put it differently, if the game is already considered easy consider how even easier it'd be if your character was built "on top" of such boss creature template instead of the default lvl.1 stats.


I play with a mod that makes the enemies 7 levels harder, use talents constantly, have insane defence scores and as an example, a hurlock vanguard will mighty ban me for 500 health....I really needed that.

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