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Textures Missing?


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I read about this problem somewhere, but have yet to find a cure. After downloading Curse of Hircine, I asked my brother to go into First Edition in IC if he had time. He did so. The first thing I hear - "COME LOOK AT THIS!"


I come over and, lo and behold, in the middle of the bookstore? Two giant gray exclamation marks in a field of yellow.


Although this isn't the greatest of problems - only occuring in First Edition - I'd still like to know if anyone could fix it. I'm downloading a mod whose quests involve First Edition and the missing texture markers are sure to get annoying quickly.


Thanks in advance for any help.



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If you have Oblivion Mod Manager(OBMM) try using BSA Redirection in utilities.This is a form of archive invalidation. I am assuming you installed the mod correctly, and that you have read the readme.The ! in a yellow shape is an indication that the game was unable to locate or use a mesh that is needed for an object.
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