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Emperor's Will Weapon Only Version?


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Hi, this is my first request and I hope someone can help. The mod "Emperor's Will" has a nice set of armor and two swords included. I am using the latest Immersive Armors version which includes the armor, but Immersive Weapons as of yet does not include the weapons from the mod. This mod includes the armor and weapons in one esp, so if someone could provide me with a modified esp that removes the armor but keeps the weapons, that would be great. As it is right now when I use both mods, Tullius wears the armor from Emperor's Will including the helmet. I'd rather he keep it off like Immersive Armors does, and also avoid two identical sets of armor with different names showing up in game. If you can't provide a modified esp, could someone show me how to edit the mod to remove them. I tried doing it in TES5edit but I only made the game crash.



Edited by KakushiSenshi
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