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The Strangest Request, Cloak of NeverNude


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Hello! I'm probably insane for asking someone to make a mod like this, but could someone please make a mod that changes the nevernude underwear that seems so very revealing to something more appropriate for me, like (literally) a white robe of some kind. Or is there one already made? Please inform me if so, otherwise could someone please make this mod? I might just hug ya to death.


This image is a good image of what I have in mind, but I would like less detail and more of a "flowing" kind of thing.


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Yeah actually this is something that I've been looking for when I was using mods like "Dragon Souls - Death is highly overrated". Not going to go off topic on the details, but it respawns you without your equipment, basically. But I really hate having to run around naked (especially with Frostfall).

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