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Strange file extension


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I'm working on a mod called Living Commerce, I've added about 115 new items and created my own Leveled Lists. Now something odd has caught my eye, I have a rouge file in my data folder. This file is: "Living_Commerce.tes", I still have my original plug-in file: "LivingCommerce.esp".




I am at a loss here, I have no idea what this file is.


I've never seen a *.tes file before. Searching it reveals only that it has something to do with Apple II? (that cant be right)


I have no idea where this file came from or if I even need it.


Can anyone please shed some light on this. I'm stumped! :confused:

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I have seen this type of file before,usually after I have been doing some editing of my game in the CS. I was able to play my game normally with the file in my data folder. I do not know if it contains a warning or just information on how to reset the changes I made.
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Thanx yeldarb,

I should add that I dont think the file was there before I made a second plugin that was dependant on the first, for testing purposes. Could that have anything to do with it?

I was trying to put my items in the testing hall to be shure they worked, but they didnt show up in-game.


Plan B was to back up my esp, test it with changes, then restore the back up. Thats when I found the rouge file.

I'm just worried that when I upload my mod it may not work correctly without that file included, but I hope thats not the case.

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A .tes file is a temporary storage file which the CS creates while saving or processing. If you watch while you are saving a large mod, you can see one appear and then disappear real fast if you are watching file manager. The program normally deletes the temporary file when it is done using it. If the CS malfunctions or crashes, the .tes file will not be deleted. The file cannot be opened and used with the software I know about, so it is just garbage junking up your hard drive and you can delete it with no bad consequences.
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