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[Problem in tranquility lounger] Problems


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hello, i have a problem, my tranquility lounguer don´t works, i mean, every time i have to see the same alert, Put the 112 suit, but i have suited the 112 suit and i have drop out the others apparels, pls if somebody have a answer, pls help me. i gonna put her the mod i use. [ sry for the horrible english, but i don´t have a much experience in english. xD ]


[x] fallout3.esm

[x] anchorage.esm

[x] pointlookout.esm

[x] thepitt.esm

[x] brokensteel.esm

[x] zeta.esm

[x] craft.esm

[x] calibr.esm

[x] project beauty.esm

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - main file.esm

[x] mart's mutant mod.esm

[x] shojo race.esm

[x] sharing and caring companions.esm

[x] enhancedchildren.esm

[x] aliciascuteshop.esm

[x] darnifieduif3.esp

[x] project beauty- broken steel.esp

[x] project beauty- point lookout.esp

[x] craft - activation perk.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - main file.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - dlc anchorage.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - dlc broken steel.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - dlc mothership zeta.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - dlc point lookout.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - dlc the pitt.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - alternate travel.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - optional restore tracers (automatics only).esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - project beauty.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - project beauty (followers enhanced).esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - followers enhanced (brokensteel).esp

[x] weaponmodkits.esp

[x] weaponmodkits - fwe master release.esp

[x] weaponmodkits - operationanchorage.esp

[x] weaponmodkits - thepitt.esp

[x] weaponmodkits - brokensteel.esp

[x] weaponmodkits - pointlookout.esp

[x] weaponmodkits - zeta.esp

[x] eve.esp

[x] eve - fwe master release.esp

[x] eve - fwe master release (follower enhanced).esp

[x] eve operation anchorage.esp

[x] eve - fwe with weaponmodkits.esp

[x] eve anchorage - fwe dlc anchorage.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - dlc anchorage.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - dlc the pitt.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - dlc broken steel.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - dlc point lookout.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - dlc zeta.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - project beauty.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - fwe master release.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - project beauty + fwe.esp

[x] tailor maid.esp

[x] tailor maid pitt.esp

[x] tailor maid brokensteel.esp

[x] tailor maid black retex.esp

[x] tailor maid anchorage.esp

[x] tailor maid zeta.esp

[x] shojo companions.esp

[x] crbsor.esp

[x] scc - talk to anyone.esp

[x] scc armor.esp

[x] childhood beginning.esp

[x] aliciascuteshopdooroverride.esp

[x] 99+2.esp

[x] galaxynewsradio100[m].esp

[x] merged patch.esp


if need more something to fix more fast the problem pls answer

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