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followers mod


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when i was playing the amaranthine mission in awakening, i realised it is possible to have npc following you even though they are not party members (eg. the darkspawn messenger)

so is it possible for someone to expand this mechanism by changing the follower to soldiers, mages, templars etc. , making them summonable ,follow and fight for the players.


i know theres an allow multiple summons mod here in the nexus but thats very broken, u need to be a ranger and first summon a hurlock and then use him to summon other members and stuff


so what i want is something more refined, using the follower npc and instead of making the followers party members they can be cannon fodders, and the to summon him u can just make a summoning scroll

and u can have multiple followers summoned at once.


so is it possible for someone to make this?

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