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The Long War Playthrough


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Hey Everybody,


I'm new to posting on NexusMods, but I've been attempting to win a campaign on X-Com: Enemy Within with the Long War mod for quite a while. It's kind of become an obsession. I made many attempts (according to my current game, this is number 19), and now I've actually begun a Youtube Channel with an X-Com Let's Play (for lack of a better term). I was hoping to have comments and suggestions on soldier upgrades, tech paths, how to deal with spaceships, etc, but I haven't been getting any comments. I thought I'd appeal to the community here for advice.


< ---- This is a link to my most recent video.


I've had seven episodes, though I haven't recorded every mission either. So far, I've reach laser weapons, no arc throwers, no soldier deaths (though I've been lucky), and the air war is beginning to feel a little lopsided in favor of the aliens.


Anyway, any suggestions would be awesome if you have some free time to check out my situation. I plan to upload at least one more video (hopefully two) by tomorrow.



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Hey guys, I have a ninth episode on my channel. This one got a little iffy . . .



If anyone has checked out my videos, I'd love to hear some feedback. I'm finding that it's very difficult to get views/comments on X-Com, so anything you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated.


Best wishes,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well done!


Long War is by far the best unreleased-expansion I have ever had the pleasure of playing; your videos are long; but they show some pretty good tactics as well as game hints for loadouts. Keep up the good work!

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