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HUD Status Bars Compass Position


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So I'm wanting to change the position of the compass on the HUD Status Bars mod. I'm using the standard Darnified compass and was wondering if I could move it up to the top of the screen. If so, which settings on the HUD Status Bars base ini do I change to do so? If I can't do that, how do I change the position of the OblivionXP HUD and time of month HUDs to a different part of the screen? Main reason why I want to change this up is because both the time of month and OblivionXP HUDs share the same position of the Darnified compass by default, which is the lower center portion of the screen.

Edited by Gariandos
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Just in case anyone in the future looks at this post with similar issues; I was able to get the compass at the top if you want the vanilla look to oblivion.


found in the base.ini:

; == compass
; HUDdefault means that HSB doesn't move/resize the compass
set tnoHSB.hide_compass to 0
set tnoHSB.compass_x to 50
set tnoHSB.compass_y to HUDbarsLow
try to change "set tnoHSB.compass_y to HUDbarsLow" to "set tnoHSB.compass_y to 0.5"
I found this by reading the INI file in the Skyrim Style folder when you open the archive. Hope it helps someone else down the road.
Edited by ElvenDivinity
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