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Modding door error


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Ok, I'm getting frustrated on this one: I am making a shop to be added to ICMarket. I have connected the exterior and interior doors. The interior door works great. I can `(coc "shop") to the inside, turn around and use the interior door, and I teleport to the outside of the exterior door. The problem is that when I turn around, I can not go back inside. I have tried every position for the portal that I can think of, and the door has functioned twice. The first time (before I moved the portal at all), I arrived inside the building walls. I moved the portal out a little bit, and ended up with a replica of 'The Main Ingredient" and other local shops. In one of these positions, the portal worked again, but only on the first try. I have been searching for similar problems and solutions, but cannot find any. This is my first time making an interior from scratch, any help in this matter would be appreciated.
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I would delete the door altogether (both them). Then place the doors in the cell you want and in the ICmarket. I would then rename them and click to make sure that both are set as persistent references. Once you have that, I would link from the exterior door to the interior door. You only need to make the connection once. Then position the little yellow door markers to be where you wish to stand (the little pink pyramid indicates which way the character will face when teleported). For some reason, doors that link to the outside world don't work properly when I make them any other way. Probably just a bug with my computer setup.



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Where's the door marker? The little yellow box with the grey side, turn on the lights if you can't see it. Drag it to where you want to end up.



By door marker do you mean the same as i mean by portal? A yellow coffin sized 3D rectangle with a pink/purple pyramid? 'Cuz that's what I've been moving around. If not, where is it, because that's all I've seen in the door, withe lgihts on or off.


Oh, BTW the door is set up like the guard towers, using the same stairs, just a little ways above the ground

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I would delete the door altogether (both them). Then place the doors in the cell you want and in the ICmarket. I would then rename them and click to make sure that both are set as persistent references. Once you have that, I would link from the exterior door to the interior door. You only need to make the connection once. Then position the little yellow door markers to be where you wish to stand (the little pink pyramid indicates which way the character will face when teleported). For some reason, doors that link to the outside world don't work properly when I make them any other way. Probably just a bug with my computer setup.




Ok, about to give that a try. The pink pyramid should be on top correct?

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OK, I think that the problem is that when I move it far enough that I am no longer inside the wall, I have moved it too far from the door. I don't know why this would make a difference, is there a way to make the move distance shorter?
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