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How to move the enterance of an interior cell to different exterior cell?


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Lets say there is an underwater cave and we want to move it to another lake, is it possibe to do and is it enogh just moving the enterance?


Also is there any tutorial for moving the enterance to another exterior cell?



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1 open CK

2 go to interior cell (cell viev table - select the interiors from the drop menu and pick the cell u want to edit)

3 double click on the yelow teleporter symbol in front of the interior door (this will take you to the other side of the door in tamriel)

4 delete the door in tamriel

5 go to exterior cell (cell view table - select the tamriel from the drop menu, enter the x and y coordinates, click go, google for location coordinates)

6 place the new door

7 hook up the interior and exterior doors

8 do the navmeshes

9 now the enterance of the underwater cave is in the place you wanted to be


You can follow these tutorials for further information:



Thanks a million to Elianora!

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