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Faster UI


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I'd like to have a mod which fastens certain processes. For example:

- Opening the PipBoy without animation, it's instantly showing up and ready to use

- Faster activating VATS

- Shorter time to change between the enemies and body parts in VATS

- Some enemies scream when they die, you have to wait until the sound file has been played before you can check the corpse for items, I don't want to wait

- Instantly available dialog options when talking to someone (no zooming in)

- When sleeping or waiting, a quarter second should be enough to wait for one hour instead of a full second


I would create such a mod by myself but I'm untalented when it comes to coding and scripting. A volunteer would be appreciated and I would maybe donate a dollar or two via PayPal to the creator if anyone can do all those changes and release it in one file.



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