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Oblivion won't work after installing Animated Window Lighting Sys


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I've spent hours at this now, and I just cannot figure what in the world this mod did to my game. I installed OBSE most recent version and still the game won't work. It starts up goes to a black screen and shuts down. The thing that upsets me the most is that the game is an online download since it is off steam which means 4 day reinstall, and then I have to go back in an completely rewrite the EXE files again. I don't even know if I can save my current saves, nor all the mods I previously had downloaded. I really need help solving this problem. I used OBM to install it, like I have every other mod, and now my game is just failing. It saved over some original files I believe and now I just can't run the game. What did this mod do and how do I fix it?
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Your mods and savegames can be saved when you reinstall Oblivion. I have a CD and don't know much about Stream, but if you fear for your mods and your savegames, you should copy them to an additional directory or DVD-RW or something so that a new reinstall can't possibly wipe them out.


I don't know all the details of your situation, but I would be highly suspicious of Animated Window Lighting System. Your game was fine before you installed it. I don't think OBSE would break your game when you install a new copy. You can test this by using the original launcher that came with the game and which does not load OBSE. If your game loads okay then you would have grounds to suspect OBSE. But that is not necessarily true, because Animated Window Lighting System might use OBSE, and if you are not using OBSE in a game load, then the mod may not have the opportunity to crash your game.


So try deactivating Animated Window Lighting System and all the other mods you have installed in the last few days.


You might also verify that you do not have any missing masters for any of your active mods. Missing masters can prevent Oblivion from starting.

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