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Radio Universe


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Ladies and Gentleman, presenting the concept of Radio Universe.


Radio Universe is a major overhauling of Galaxy Radio. In the unmodded game you have you're preset 20 or so songs. Now, I've got to be honest in the year 2277 you wouldn't be able to stand having 20 songs playing forever and ever and ever on loop for very long, and you'd probably smash the radio after so long. Sure, you can mod more songs in, but where is the fun in that?


In Radio Universe you have an additional quest. Finding music for Galaxy Radio. Throughout the game, scattered in seemingly random places that somehow strangely fit are vinyl records containing a track or two of music. You can give (perhaps sell them) back to Galaxy Radio and then they will play on the radio on loop. (You also have the option of smashing them, such as theoretically "Never going to give you up" as I'm sure no one would want that song to come on the radio every once in a while). The day stats with Star Spangled Banner of course, but I'd like a random timer varying when the music starts in the morning, because if you are a DJ without a real reason to get up and be ready to play music at 6:00 AM sharp or some time. Three Dog has every right to sleep in sometimes. And at night the station changes to radio plays instead(Haha night has a fixed shutoff time when it switches to radio drama's).


*Edited in* Had a good idea about this radio quest for the Enclave Radio.You can be paid to smash music deemed unamericanan by The Enclave, such as a song like Children of The Revolution by T.Rex. You could make it a "Smash hit" and destroy it and The Enclave would reward you, or you could give it to Three Dog and he'd play it on loop it. Basically you take you're unwanted music to The Enclave, and be rewarded for destroying a part of American History that isn't liked as much by the current administration. Unless it is a song that is actually patriotic, for which you'll be paid handsomely for it and thanked. Either way its a good way to get influence with the Enclave... This spawns other ideas of a smiler vein with books.


Also modifying Agatha's Song quest would be better, changing it that each time you give her a further book of sheet music unlocking new songs and giving you more good Karma and life giving cookies.


Just randomly throwing this out here, I know Tenpenny Tower Radio mods have been done, but has anyone ever tried a TTR mod that takes vocal clips from Stephen Colbert's The Wørd segments and just made Stephan Colbert some timeless radio persona? Or a completely new station based on The Wørd and stuff. Just somehow try and filter out the laughter.


Now what we need are songs that would fit into Fallout, sure there are obvious ones such as Vera Lynn's We'll Meet Again, but what about other fitting songs that aren't as well known such as Ronnie And The Prophets - Don't Take Your Love From Me that would fit well in the Fallout universe. I started on a list a while ago of songs that could be in the game, wasn't long, and I've been pestering seniors for help, I'll edit the songs in. And by the way, yes you can have Richard Cheese in, but only if the song fits right. Such as his cover of Freak on a Leash, and Down with the sickness. This isn't just a lounge/jazz/whatever cover soundtrack, there will be relativity few ones in comparison. Bands included will be put into a list later.


Also some modders would be useful, over here its a lone texture modder, and idea creator rolled into one, with a brother as a consult.

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