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Creating Equipment With The Pre-made Ones.

Umi Ryû

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First, I apologise for this stupid question, also for my really bad english, I will try to make it as understandable as I can.


I am new to the modding, in fact I was just downloading mods and they gave me the taste of trying to make my own, actually it is Ren's Beauty pack that decided me, the first mod I work in is there for putting some Mystic Elves in Tamriel.


Beside this, I use this mod for testing the functionalities of the TESCS, and I figured that I couldn't make enchanted weapons, armors and clothes with the ones already in-game. When I create a new one I have to choose a .NIF file and an Icon, but the pre-made equipements (Iron Short Sword, Steel, ect ...) just do not show up in the selection.


I searched before asking, I did look at the whole topics about creating equipements, but, as I said before, I don't undrestand much English and in mod (and in the use of a CPU also), so, please, forgive me if I just read the answer but didn't figured it out.


Thank you for your help.

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