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Normal is to Hard !


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Like many have said, a balanced team is always crucial. One thing I do with rogues that has not been mentioned is spend one specialty on the Ranger talent. I will always have at least one, sometimes two rangers in the party. They can call animals which serve very well as tanks. Plus, when the animal falls, it does not count against the party, and if the ranger is high enough can summon another animal once the first falls. Protection for rangers is vital, however, as when the rogue falls, so does his/her animal that was summoned. Also, if you see a lot of enemies, use ambush tactics if possible. Place the party on hold, take one player ( I use the ranger's animals usually, especially in the Anvil of the Void) and draw a few enemies at a time to the party that is lying in wait.
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Hi all,


i have the same problem. I play in normal but most times i have to do the battle a second time. The problem for me is i still have the wrong tactics for the first battle. The advice with dividing the enemy with a ranged attack is the way i try to fight. But i equip all my companions with a bow and switch back to swords if necessary. A mage for me for healing is essential, otherwise i need 10 to 15 normal health potions.


My team is: Alistair, Lelianna, Wynne and my Doggy (i use the extra dog slot :whistling: ). I'm a rouge so i use Alistair as a tank, most times Lelianna is my ranged part and i change from a bow to two swords.


Lelianna and me are ragers, so i always have a wolf and a bear in the team, This are 7 members and the last times i survived the first time. At the moment i'm doing the deep roads thing for the dwarves. Using the special skills is very important for me, but i can only use them with my char during the battle. It is nearly impossible to swith between all members to activate the moves.


As example, the dog can overwhelm and it would be very usefull if he would do that if it is possible, but most time hes only running to the guy who is attacking me. For overwhelm i have to select him and give a target. It is a little annoying for me to do this for all members. But i do my best.




"Place the party on hold", how you do that?

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Hi all,


i have the same problem. I play in normal but most times i have to do the battle a second time. The problem for me is i still have the wrong tactics for the first battle. The advice with dividing the enemy with a ranged attack is the way i try to fight. But i equip all my companions with a bow and switch back to swords if necessary. A mage for me for healing is essential, otherwise i need 10 to 15 normal health potions.


My team is: Alistair, Lelianna, Wynne and my Doggy (i use the extra dog slot :whistling: ). I'm a rouge so i use Alistair as a tank, most times Lelianna is my ranged part and i change from a bow to two swords.


Lelianna and me are ragers, so i always have a wolf and a bear in the team, This are 7 members and the last times i survived the first time. At the moment i'm doing the deep roads thing for the dwarves. Using the special skills is very important for me, but i can only use them with my char during the battle. It is nearly impossible to swith between all members to activate the moves.


As example, the dog can overwhelm and it would be very usefull if he would do that if it is possible, but most time hes only running to the guy who is attacking me. For overwhelm i have to select him and give a target. It is a little annoying for me to do this for all members. But i do my best.




"Place the party on hold", how you do that?


There are two things that can help you out. First, to place the party on hold under their faces on the LHS on the underneath them is an icon with a hand. Click that on/off to make the party move freely or on hold. Second, to use your other party member's talents, pause the game in battle. For me this is binded to the space bar. After you have told the party members what to do, press the space bar to unpause the game and they will follow the instructions you have given them.

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for all of those who don't like to stop battle to use talents, just use the Tactics screen, and make the best out of it

the thing is, you have to make sure not to waste your skills

my advice is to put the best skills for Elite or higher troops, and use these manualy if needed

and make sure not to put many buffs on auto casting, because it will drain your mages mana

the best way is to customize the tactics according to your squad and play style

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi gothxtreme,


Thandal has given you great advice on tactics. The rest have as well, but most of what they are saying apply to later in the game when you have more abilities or spells available to you. You were talking about the Kocari Wilds. You don't get to choose your party for that one. You have Alistair as a warrior/sword & shield, you have Jory (spelling could be wrong) who is a two handed weapon fighter, you have the rogue (sorry, don't remember his name), and of course, you have yourself. Everyone in the party has pretty nominal skills. At this point in the game I've had the most success with pretty much stopping after each move and positioning and setting up spells and abilities for each move of the fight. This will give you the most complete picture of what is going on and making changes to the tactics as they happen. Or, if you're really good at setting up tactics by hand, go for it. At this early point in the game it can even be advantageous to save before the fight, let the tactics run and see what happens.....mostly you will see your party die. :tongue:


Since DA is such a linear game (meaning you can't vary much from the path) I think that using the tactics well gives you the most variability along with changing your party choices when you can. Actually, I think that's the most significant problem with DA, especially after you've completed one or two characters. Personally, I prefer games like Oblivion where you have complete control over when and what your character does. :biggrin:


Aside from all this advice......just go and have fun. If you had the most fun playing it on "Easy" go for it......after all, it is a game :teehee:





....be careful what you wish for.....

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i can give you, as advice, how i used to play, as i managed to beat the game on hard

the first thing you should do, is make sure you have a balanced squad

a full tank squad is useless, so you should always make sure to have atleast one mage, and a rouge is nice to have

now, about battles, they easiest tactic i can give you, is to put your squad in one place, then send a ranged char to shoot the enemies from afar, and draw them to you

then lead them to the rest of your squad, and beat them

basically, devide and conquer is the easiest method to survive long

but, if you find the game very hard, then you can always add mods with stronger items, to be better prepared for the hard fights


the last thing i can advise you, is to make sure you are making your chars as best as you can

meaning, if you have a warrior, train him with 1 type of weapons, so he will be great in this type, and not avarege with all types

make sure to make smart choices with the development of your chars, and it should be easier for you to finish the game


hope that i was able to really help you

best of luck with your game


This helped me a *lot*! I haven't been able to get through the game on the so-called "easy" level, and had to content myself with starting each game again with a different character. (See attached image!) I bet your advice has helped hundreds of others as well!



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