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Two simple requests


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I opened up the GECK to make a stimpak mod that would affect metabolism for HC players, but couldn't figure it out. I'll crack it again I've r the weekend but what about stims that do H2O, FOD and SLP ddamage commensurate with HP regained?

I have no trouble keeping my courier fed, rested and watered, but this might change things.

Other idea, 2 sets of F keys for equipment - that way the six for your knife, pistol, SMG, shorty, rifle and stims could be augmented by a hot key that switches to secondarily assigned equipment like helmet on/off, different glasses or armor or whatever.

NVSE would probably be needed, but what do you think?

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note: i cant run the geck on my current machine

my idea for #2 is shorter so ill post that first: you just want/need more hotkeys from the sound of it: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37043/? , http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45048/?


for #1 look at how the vanilla soft drinks add dehydration (+5h20 like nuka cola or sunset sarsaparilla) and add that into the stimpak enchantment list

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