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hard disk fallout 3 error, please help


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recently i have been anting to replay fallout 3, and their is nothing wrong with that, but for some reasion my compuer seemes to think it is a very big problem, so far i have been working for over 12 hours, through the night to try and get it fixed, but yet no success, every ime i load a savefile or fallout loads a new area it starts moaning about a hard disk error, this error is coming from the fallout 3 exe, but yet the cd is inserted in the drive, i hav even made a iso of y disk and played it through damon tools to check if it ment tha disk drive by chance, bu yet, no success. i do have an offical copy of the game of the year eddition, not piratied, so i dont reall know why it is doing this, also with all the instalations i have been doing tonight it seemes to work for a few times, and then for some reasion the game seemes to start to disingergrate, like i can not click the load any more on the main menu, due to i just crashes/freezes, i have to press continue for it to work, also it can not be the saves due to i tured of auo saves to areas but yet it is still doing the same thing, like here is an image of the hard disk error which i get...



sorry for the large image, but thats my screen resolution.


... as you can also see from the left side, you can see my ram and processor, but as you can see, they are working fine, no over working or anything, i also have 3.2GHZ processor and 6MB of ram with a 2MB smart cache, i also have a 1GB graphics card, so it is not due to that either, it can no b due to mods, due to it did act up when i installed a few mods, but yet if i tried removing the mods and then loading an earlyer save file, it still does the same thing, here is my load order...




... as you can see, not that many mods, i also have fose and i normally run fallout through that, but yet if i either run it through fose or falout exe it stil does the same hard disk error, my fallout has the most up to date patch, so it is not due to i am missing a patch either, i do have windows 7 64 bit, but yet before all of this happened it used to ork alright with windows 7 64 bit.


also my fallout when it is woking, keeps on freezing alot for no reasion at all, like it will last about ten seconds and hen freeze for no reasion, and as i said, it can not be my pc due to it should run fallout perfectly, which what it does when it wants to, i play fallout with adminerstraiter activated, so it is not due to i do not have access, i think it is something to do with the fallout.exe file, but yet i do not know what.


please if anyone has an answer to this, please help, i have been up all nigh and i am very tired, i just want to play my game, thats all, if n one knows any patches to fix this or fixes, please post, i really want this fixed


p.s remember i have windows 64 bit, and yes i do know that it does have problems with fallout 3, but yet it was working fine before all of this started, i did download a game boster recenly, but i have not turned it on since this mess...


with love, keylek

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good news, i have managed to sort out the hard disk error, it was being caused by the ini file in my save file, it was basiclly a very old ini file which has been passd from computer to computer may times through system reinstalls and so on, but yet that is only one problem solved so far, the game is still freezing alot, like lasting a few mins before crashing competly, if anyone can help with that, please post your suggestions






wait, he freezing has been fixed, i have been going through the ini file alot and i toggled it quite abit, it now works perfectly, but yet every so offten, but no where nea as offten the hard disk error pops up, whic makes no sence since i sorted that ou earlyer, so if anyone knows how to fix the hard disk error, you are welcome to say your suggestions, because it is about every 15 mins (exsactly nearly) so this is still something i want to get fixed

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