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My Face In Oblivion


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So, as the title says, I want my face in Oblivion, more precisely on one of my existing characters. As I'm not the best at moding(read: completely no skills), I'm wondering if thats even possible. Adding a new face to an existing character I mean. And if it is, how?


Thank you for your help!

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In regard to getting your face in game I don't know if you can. I know the program facegen has an option called photo fit. Which allows you to take front, left side, right side pictures and then the program creates them as a 3d image. That part should work if you do ti right. The problem is getting that into oblivion, I am pretty sure I read somewhere that it wasn't possible to import it. I would have to find that article again to verify.


In regard to getting a new face onto an existing character that is possible using Oblivion face exchange lite which can be found here http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7808


What you do is take a game save which contains the face you want to use (these can be found on tesnexus).


1. Download the save you want, or use an existing one from your own game.


2. Open that save file up using FEL (Once the FEL is open you will see a list off all the save files in your folder, just click on the one you want Remember to click the face file first), you will see an option labeled "copy face to clipboard" click that.


3. Now go to the save you want the face to be added to, click edit save file.


4. This will open a new window, up top you will see a tab labeled "paste" click it.


5. Your new face will now be on that body. One thing to remember, if you try and use a face from say a cute elf. Then try to add it to an imperial body, you might corrupt the save and/or alter the appearance. I would stick with same races, just to avoid issues. Unless you wanted to experiment.


This should be easy to do, I'm pretty sure I did not miss a step. If you can't seem to figure it out post here I'll try to walk you through it.

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well,if you do a search in TES Nexus for "FaceGen", you can find a "mod" that allows you to put faces created with FaceGen to your chars

however, to get your face, you will have to download the FaceGen free demo, and design your face in it, and then export the face to your char

it might not be easy, but as far as i know, it is perfectly possible


hope you can pull it off :biggrin:

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See I must have been wrong, Maybe they were referring to the demo itself not allowing you to import faces in general, not using the photo fit option. That is good to know.


well, i am not sure about this myself

i have just looked for this, and told you what i understood

so there is a chance that i am wrong

but i don't assume that this will stop you from trying, right? :tongue:

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