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[relz] Fatal Oblivion 1.04


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Hail! Hail! Hail to the bloody sun rise and Fatal Oblivion!


FO 1.04 greets you with many changes. Extra thanks to RDJeke for his marvelous axe models and textures!





- Useless scrolls have been removed and powers of existing scrolls have increased (see passage 20).

- Useless potions have been removed. Potions durations and effectivness have been modified. New poisons added (Death Tone, Dragon's Rose, Viper's Eye etc.). (See passage 19.)

- Bow reloading takes now longer (0.025 -> 0.08).

- FG06 quest fixed. Fighter's guild members don't use steel armor any longer in Desolate Mine.

- Quests FG07 and MG13 are no longer level-scaled.

- Vampires are more dangerous (levels increased by 4).

- Conjurer are more dangerous (levels increased by 2-7).

- Afflicted Brethrens fixed.

- Arena combatants fixed (some of them are harder and a couple combatants are easier). After rank Bloodletter each combatant have at least one potion of some kind.

- Arena weapons fixed (no longer possible to pick up your enemies weapons).

- NEW crude chainmail cuirass (provided by BadMagic).

- NEW 1h and 2h axe models and textures (provided by RDJeke).

- Weapons don't break as quickly as before (fDamagetoWeaponPercentage from 0.06 to 0.015).


What does this mod actually do?



Fatal Oblivion affects on Creatures, Loots, Weapons, Armors, Magic, Quest Rewards, Potions (not much on them), Skills and adds new (Fatigue Script and Tattoos). Combat is deadlier, level-scaling is removed, money is more important and staying alive is harder.


Longer Version:


1) Animals

Wild animals behave now more realistically. Bears, Rats, Mudcraps and Boars attack you only if you go too close of them.Spriggans are harmless unless you aproach them with weapon drawn. Wolves move on groups of two or three (they should flee more easily than before). Mountain lions are fast and you probably can't outrun them. Creature sizes have been modified: Mountain lions and bears are bigger.


2) Fatigue Penalties (script by _Tarnsman_)

If you run too fast and too far you will faint. If you fight too hard you will faint. Watch you fatigue bar and rest now and then. You will also get temporal (-10/20 speed and -5/10 willpower) attribute penalties when your fatigue bar is low. Skill Athletics is modified and now on Master and Expert ranks player don't lose fatigue anymore when running/swimming. Casting spells cost more fatigue than before.


3) Glory of Iron and Steel Armors

There are only next armor types available anymore: 1) Fur 2) Leather/Rough Leather 3) Chain/Crude Chain (which is heavy now!) 4) Iron/Crude Iron 5) Steel. Armors protect much more than before. If you are wearing full steel suit you should be quite well protected. However, steel and iron is now more rare than before. Heavy armors cost much more and weight more than light armors. Light armors are also cheaper to keep good condition. Check this.


4) Weapons and Armors list

Click here. (I put it in WIKI because this forum doesn't support tables.)


5) Magic

Spell costs and powers have been modified. Spells cost now more but they are deadlier. With skill 0 your casting cost is 2 times bigger than with skill 100. Magick Regeneration Rate is a bit slower. To learn any spell you just have to have skill level apprentice and enough Magicka to cast the spell. Spell names are changed: you can see easier what the spell do when looking the spell name. Next spells have been removed: Absorb skills, drain skills, summon skeleton champion, summon skeleton hero. It might be possible that magic is now overpowered. I haven't got enough feedback to change this, yet.


6) No Level-Scaling

Everything level based has been removed. Depending on your playing abilities you can beat wolves, goblins, bandits, zombies and skeletons at level 1. Item leveling has been removed and Quest rewards should be static, too. Everything is either random or manually put in places. It is possible that some creature types are too easy to beat.


7) Creatures

Creatures do more damage than before but are probably also weaker. Notify that Frost Attonach is more evil than Storm Attonach now. Daedra Spiders and Liches are also ones you should not mess with. Be careful with trolls they are slower but much meanier than before (harder, deadlier and 2x bigger).


8 ) Combat

Combat is much more deadlier than before. It should be that in a few hits either you or your opponent is dead. And watch out for fainting!


9) Vampires

Vampire skills have been modified. Vampires get penalties if they don't feed often enough. Keep your vampires well fed (vampirism stages 25 and 50). Bonuses which Vampires get: Resist to normal weapons, Resist disease, Attribute bonuses (strenght, agility, speed willpower, fatigue), Skill bonuses (acrobatics, hand to hand, sneak, athletics). VampirismAgeOffset is now 0 so beign a vampire doesn't change your age.


10) Sneaking skill

Sneaking skill has been modified. Weight of boots counts more than before. Sneaking in lighted areas is harder and running when sneaking is slower.


11) Speechcraft skill

Speechcraft should be a bit harder than before and "Rotate"-button has really some meaning now. However, you don't need to small talk as long as before because now the result will be clear faster. Either you succeed or not. Speechcraft might be a bit too easy at the moment. Feedback please!


12) Mercantile skill & Money

Mercantile affects more on barter now. Money is harder to get and shopkeepers are greedier than before. You should find mercantile skill quite good way to get more money. Mercantile levels about two times faster than before (0.4 to 1.0).


13) Bandits, marauders, mercenaries, conjurers and necromancers

These factions differ more from each other now. Bandits are more randomly equipped and not very skilled. Maurauders are very skilled but badly equipped (They are also tattooed, thanks to Bazz24's Tribal Tattoos mod). Conjurers do more desctruction spells than necromancers. Mercenaries are well equipped but no as skilled as marauders.


14) Running

You run fast and even faster wihtout weapon. Remember that running makes you lose fatigue (temporarily, of course).


15) Arena

Arena Combat is now more ferocious and harder! Arena combatants are, of course, static.


16) Guards

1) Townguards wear their chain cuirass, helmet and shield but other equipment is changed: silver long sword is replaced with short iron short sword (crude on in Bravil); leather boots, greaves and gauntlets in Chorrol, Anvil and Skingrad (crude ones in Bravil and Cheyndinhal); fur boots, greaves and gauntlets in Bruma (There is cold!).

2) Imperial Watch has their original iron armor but silver long sword is replaced with crude iron longsword.

3) Imperial Legion Soldier has iron long sword (it was steel or silver or something).

4) Imperial Archers/Foresters have bow but not longer silver long swords but daggers or short swords.

5) Palace Guards have steel weapons and their level was increased from 10 to 14.

I removed Athletics (replaced it with something unimportant, alchemy) from Guard-class because it didn't sound good that each guard would be a somekind of athlete. No. They are rather drunks than athletes.


17) Swimming

If your encumbrance is 90% of maximum you will sink to the bottom when swimming. More reasons to use light armor! (In original mod it was 70% but I thought it would ruin gameplay. On the other hand, sometimes things float on the surface rather than sink below it.)



18) Enchanting and enchantments

Recharge cost is cheaper than before.


19) Modified Potions

My opinion is that there are such many potions because level scaling. Weak for starting characters and strong for experienced ones. Now there are only one variation of each potions (with a couple of exceptions of course :)). Basic idea of each potion is that it's duration is longer than equivalent's spell but it's effect might be better (ie. healing spell heals faster than potion but potion heals more if time passes). I also removed useless potions such as drain skill potions. NPCs lloots are changed and now Bandits, Marauders and other characters use potions which are more useful to them.


20) Modified Scrolls

There are no longer apprentice or novice level scrolls. On the other hand, master level scrolls are very rare. Usually scrolls are either journeyman or expert level. Names of scrolls have been fixed to correspond to spells names as well as effects of them. Some scrolls removed: 1) absorb skill or attribute 2) Cure Disease, Poison, Paralyzation. NPCs loots are changed and now Necromancers, Conjurers and other characters use scrolls which are more useful to them.


21) Other changes

I am so damn sure that I forgot to mention something. Well... find it out yourself. ;)



Download Fatal Oblivion 1.04


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