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Very odd crashes occuring

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I recently downloaded Pirate Isles a great mod but It is causing me a lot of problems.After I run it every 30 to 45 seconds my game crashes.I amcertain it is this mod 100 percent.I have the latest patches and all and here is my load order







Thats it


I have windows vista unfortunately.I ran conflict tests and it said that Oblivion.esm and aaJNFpirateisels conflicted but idk how to fix it and I saw the comments and no one else had problems.I have a feeling that the problem lies with vista.Any help is appreciated Thanks

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If you use the OBMM conflict detector, any change to a file will show as a conflict. As mods are changes, unless they only contain all new material they will conflict with something - usually Oblivion.esm as that is what they are modifying. This is normal and usually not a problem.


Check the documentation on your mod to see if it requires something else.


Also, in vista and Win7 it is best to NOT install to the default location due to the UAC that will try to block any changes - reinstall outside of the protected program files location, A good place is C:\Games\Oblivion. You can make a copy of your save games and data folder and just copy them over when you have installed to the new location.

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