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Salvaging Literature (Request)


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So, recently on a fairly new character, I was undergoing the Wasteland Survival guide quest. I was scouring through the Arlington Library in order to fulfill my mission blah, blah, blah. Now, I run Pre-War books and titles which revamps the un-damaged books that you can turn into Scribe Yearling for experience and caps, blah, blah, blah. But as I went through the library, there are a HUGE number of useless, ruined, burned books etc.


What I want, is some way to put these currently useless books to use. Perhaps, by recycling? Maybe the books could be turned in to a recycling plant somewhere in exchange for a few caps, and maybe good karma? I think that would add depth, and be a helpful way of gaining good karma for players like myself who have our games modded to make achieving extreme levels of karma difficult. I just find it frustrating that all these books clutter the world with no purpose.


I don't know if anyone would help me with this, but it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

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