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Remove Caps


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It sounds like that would be difficult to implement- you'd have to have some method of measuring value so that, when trading for something more valuable than other things, you would have something leftover of like value. At least, in terms of gameplay. Though, what you might consider is changing the value of caps themselves to something really low, 0.1 or worse. And there could possibly be a script to, when getting an amount of caps over two hundred at once (or something to that effect, it's debatable) it is converted into an item of some value, lesser or otherwise.


Either that, or you could just have a script to automatically remove caps from your inventory, or something to that effect. Just speculation on my part.

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Automatically removing caps from all inventories except those of traders, adding a lot of caps to traders, and making the "Caps" display section of the UI invisible should do the trick. It would require FOSE and some knowledge of the UI, but it shouldn't be particularly difficult.



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Replace caps with bullets or some other easy to carry thing. In a post apocalyptic society where people actually trade with one another then I'm sure they would try to have some sort of common currency, possibly one that is useful (so you don't give away something good for for a bunch of shiny rocks or worthless paper).


Cans of cat food, bottles of water, empty bottles or containiers... possibly energy cells or bits of scrap metal, those are all things that could be useful enough to trade for due to a person either wanting it themselves or knowing someone who might want it (but it not being something everyone will use as soon as they get it).


Remove all caps from the game and give traders a bunch of random 1 cap items. When you sell off your piece of power armor you might have to settle for getting a few thousand rounds of .5mm ammo or cans of cat food or bottles of purified water in exchange for it.

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That's pretty much how I want to do it. Value would still be displayed in "caps" or in units of value rather, but there's no actual money. The reason for this is I'd like to make a post apoc game using the Fallout engine, but I don't want any "money" in it, because in a world like that, only things with REAL value would be traded. There would be no currency.
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