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Editing a master file?


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Hi guys.


Well, I just started with learning how to use GECK, and from what I saw , a master file can't be edited. But the problem is I wanted to edit health on an armor from Scavanger Armors (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10228) ... but the armor pack is a master file. So, is there any way to modify one armor from the pack using GECK? I also tried modding it with FOMM, but kind of failed as well :( .


Can anyone help with this?


EDIT: I hope this is not wrong section to ask about it, if it is, can someone redirect me please?


Thanks in advance.

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You can do it, but first you should make sure that's what you really want to do. For what you're describing, you don't really need to. Just open your scavenger armor master, make your edits, then save a new plugin.


If you decide you really want to edit the master, use fo3edit or another tool of your choice to remove the master flag. Edit in GECK, the re-masterize it.

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