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NPCs w/ wrong skin color


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Agnot makes a good point. You can just put the things that need to be in an ESM (like your NPCs) and have the rest of the mod be in an ESP that uses the the ESM as its master. That is a common solution for many a mod. The only drawback that I can see with making a mod an ESM is that it loads early in the load order thus giving it maximum opportunity to have its records overwritten by later loading ESPs. I never could figure out how some people can make large mods with custom NPCs and custom navmeshes that aren't ESMs.
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I woke up in the middle of the night with that idea, and am currently working on it. Fixing all the little bugs and updates first, getting it setup to work with CALIBR, then make it an .esm and start on a new .esp for creating all the armors and weapons and adding them to the merchant.


Anyway, thanks for all the help and info!

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