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Crashing Inside Test Labs


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It's pretty straightforward. When I am ambushed by the Enclave, and watch the following cutscene, when I am supposed to spawn into Raven Rock, I crash.





Point Lookout

Broken Steel

Mothership Zeta (that crashes when I am teleported up, another issue, just not as major).

UPP (all addon perks)

Underground Hideout

Other mods not active


Any suggestions?


EDIT: I fixed the problem by removing all mods. However, that means the all the perks I gained using UPP are gone! It also means that my experience in Anchorage is lost, but I don't mind going back in there...xD


Does anyone know how I can give myself certain perks that I know I had (or at least want) from the UPP using Consol commands? I don't know where to get the perk IDs....


EDIT 2: Furthermore, ANOTHER bug, is that now that Jericho is back at Megaton, I can't get to him without crashing because the dead "Deputy" that used to stand outside still says his speech, which I believe is the problem. Whenever I try to get close to Jericho, the dumb robot starts talking.

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To your first edit:


Ask around at the thread for the UPP. The code does have something to do with your load order. You may be able to find the code by browsing in the G.E.C.K, but I wouldn't know. I know nothing about modding.


As for your second edit, I know a solution. There is a code somewhere on GameSpot or something that will teleport you into the Common House in Megaton. Use the code and go to Jericho. When your done in Megaton, fast-travel out. I don't know if it'll work, though.


Alternatively, if you blew Megaton up, go NEAR Megaton but not close enough for the crash to initiate. Find Jericho's Base ID (which you can do by looking at the Fallout Wikia) and use a console command to bring him to you.


You could also remove the script that initiates The Deputy's speech.

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I think we're both confused. I said I wanted a list of all of the perks from UPP with their IDs so that I could manually go in and add them like any other perk using the consol.


I never thought about the thing with Jericho, that should probably work.


Right now I am going through starting with all mods and going down till there are no mods left on the list to see which one is the problem. I really do not want to lose Anchorage, UPP, and Underground Hideout (I have things there that went away when I deleted it).


Problem: Underground Hideout v3.3


Solution: Take everything I left in there and put it in Tenpenny tower (since I can just teleport there, and then go to "movetoqt" and walk back to the cutscene area).


This way, I won't lose anything!

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