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Are grass pop-ins meant to be this obvious?


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Are you using Streamline? If so, no matter where you set your grass slider (and any other sliders relating to video) streamline will change them to what it needs to get the FPS you specified. Streamline works by trading visual effects - such as grass distance for FPS.
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I've maxed all sliders relating to view distance and grass distance. However, it's still bothering me:

See the difference after I move a few feet forward.

1. http://imgur.com/2nTIM.jpg

2. http://imgur.com/VqHyw.jpg


Is this meant to be the maximum draw distance for grass? Are there mods that could make the pop-ins less obvious?



You can turn off Streamline's StreamSmooth feature to stop SL from making that trade for certain visuals (i.e., grass load distance.)



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