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Origins to Awakening Custom DLC Transfer?


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That sucks. :sad:

If you want to upload the file to www.megaupload.com and then paste a link to it, I'll DL your savegame, make the edit for the expanded inventory, then upload it for you to have. I can get mine to edit large savegames about 75-80% of the time, so I'll give it a shot for ya :wink:

Just make sure to send me the savegame from the original character, not the one that you imported. :wink:


Oh that sounds good but.. I had already begun my game in Awakening :whistling: If I did send you the save would it still apply the edit to my current Awakening save too? :huh:

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Here's a little secret. Awakening creates a duplicate of your character, when you transfer them over. So say if your original character was named Johndoe.... the game would create a duplicate, named Johndoe1. All of the saves that awakening would make then, would be applied to Johndoe1, rather than to (original) Johndoe.


so here's how this would play out.....


If the savegame is edited, and then imported over to awakening, you'd have the opportunity to stock up on your gear and take it with you BEFORE transfer.

If I edited one of your DAA savegames from JD1, that character would NOT be able to go back into DAO to get your gear, but would still have the 999 items cheat.


So I'm really sorry to have to say that you can't have your cake and eat it too. Not with this method. Because in order to get the stuff with this method, you'd have to restart your DAA game (which would require you to move or delete JD1 from your characters folder.


Now, however.... if you're willing to go in and do some editing in notepad, hdhd has a script that adds an alternative. Tho its a lil more work, than the method we'd been talking about.

his additem script will let you add items to your character via the console commands. If you've got console enabled you just activate the console type in runscript additem whateveritemname.uti 1

(1 being the number of items. You could set it for like say.... 50, if you were wanting bottles for pots or whatever.)

The problem with this method is this- 1) He (hdhd) cant track every single mod that is released on here to add them to the script. 2) He's not going to go bothering every author on here, for PERMISSION to add their mod to the script for public release.


So what that means is that any of hte mods that isnt already in his script; you'd have to add, in order for the script to give you such and such item. Its really not hard to do, it just means tracking down the item names for such and such items.


(I also wanna point out that you can use this script if you get a case of the bug where mods don't load at the start of a new character!)


His mod is located here- http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1131 if you dont have the console active he's got a link to how to set that up there in the description on the page.

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