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Character stuck (no limb movement etc.) in CC and in world.


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I've had a lot of trouble getting Skyrim to NOT CTD, I've uninstalled a lot of mods and used TESVSedit and Loot. I finally got the game to load when this happened in CC, and when finishing with CC the PC floats with arms outstretched. Does anyone have any ideas on what mod might be causing this (because I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times and the problems persists.)


My current load order below. If anyone can help it would be great. I had no problems playing the game with tons of mods installed and checked before Steam decided to update.



Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp=1
KS Hairdo's.esp=1
Better Stealth AI for Followers.esp=1
FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp=1
Smashin Face Overhaul.esp=1
Immersive Weapons.esp=1
Lively Followers.esp=1
When Vampires Attack.esp=1
Project Ultimatum.esp=1
DVA - Dynamic Vampire Appearance.esp=1
SoS - Civilization.esp=1
Run For Your Lives.esp=1
RSChildren - Complete.esp=1
UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp=1
IMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.esp=1
Hedge Mage Armor.esp=1
Sneak Tools.esp=1
Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp=1
Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp=1
Instant Mastery.esp=1
mavari armor.esp=1
Vivid Landscapes.esp=1
WetandCold - Ashes.esp=1
zx hands (vanilla).esp=1
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1
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'the PC floats with arms outstretched' I'm not an expert, but that is definitely an FNIS issue.




Grab both programs. You're going to have to track down every mod that uses FNIS and deactivate them. Activate FNIS Behavior, run GenerateFNISforusers.EXE, activate FNIS Spells, run GenerateFNISforusers.EXE, activate each mod that uses FNIS, individually, runFNISforusers.EXE each and everytime.

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This is a known issue.


It usually results from installing a character animation, then uninstalling it. Even running FNIS after the fact may not put the original animation back. You would think the default would be put back, but that has not been the case in my experience.


I torced my Skyrim install and restarted the modding process, but you may be able to solve the issue by installing another animation of the same type, or by running the Steam check of the game cache integrity. I should see the missing files and re-add them. WARNING: If you have modified the vanilla game directory this will also be reverted.

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Oh guys, it sometimes is really hard for me when such FNIS myths are spread without concern. And it is sooo easy:

  • If you install or uninstall any FNIS dependent mod you need to run the FNIS generator ONCE before you restart the game (it is NOT necessary to run it once for each mod installed or uninstalled)
  • If you have uninstalled FNIS you need to remove a couple of files (3 to 5) manually. Read the FNIS uninstall section for details.
  • If you have uninstalled FNIS dependent mods AND FNIS itself, you don't need to run FNIS before you uninstall it. Simply delete those 3 to 5 files.

But you should think if you really want to uninstall FNIS. Because if you use a custom skeleton, then you need FNIS again.


And if you uninstall (not remove) an animation file, then of course the original animation is "put back". Because it was never put away. It is always part of the game's bsa files. In this case FNIS is only needed if you have run FNIS before with either Gender or PCEA patch.

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Oh guys, it sometimes is really hard for me when such FNIS myths are spread without concern. And it is sooo easy:

  • If you install or uninstall any FNIS dependent mod you need to run the FNIS generator ONCE before you restart the game (it is NOT necessary to run it once for each mod installed or uninstalled)
  • If you have uninstalled FNIS you need to remove a couple of files (3 to 5) manually. Read the FNIS uninstall section for details.
  • If you have uninstalled FNIS dependent mods AND FNIS itself, you don't need to run FNIS before you uninstall it. Simply delete those 3 to 5 files.

But you should think if you really want to uninstall FNIS. Because if you use a custom skeleton, then you need FNIS again.


And if you uninstall (not remove) an animation file, then of course the original animation is "put back". Because it was never put away. It is always part of the game's bsa files. In this case FNIS is only needed if you have run FNIS before with either Gender or PCEA patch.



I defer to your expertise in this, however when I was mucking about with animations in installing and uninstalling I did in fact end up with the exact same situation. In each case I ran FNIS after doing so and before I ran the game (one time). I also found confirmation online as to this situation, not that FNIS was at all involved. Sorry if that was implied.


As they say: Modding happens.

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Impreciseness and abstractions are THE sworn enemies of problem resolution. It is so frustrating in my own discussion thread when mostly unexperienced users come along with one-liners, and then I have to play ping pong with them until iI have the needed informations.


Abstractions is up to the solution providers, NOT and NEVER to the solution seekers. And it is even worse when solution seekers provide such kind of wrong abstraction as an advice to other solution seekers.


See what you describe here:

"This is a known issue. It usually results from installing a character animation, then uninstalling it."

A known issue? Known by whom? I don't know such issue.


Unistalling a character animation? Under "uninstallation" I understand the complete, structured deletion of a complete mod. Unistall with NMM or MO, or remove each and every file from the mods archive when installed manually. And ON TOP in ALL cases, regard all unistall information given by the mod. Have you done that?


Or have you just REMOVED an animation file? Which I believe, cause there are hardly any mods that consist of just "a" (ONE) character animation.


So if you removed that one animation, what kind of animation was that? A replacer, replacing a standard animation? Certainly not. Because as I said before, if you remove a replacer, the default from the bsa files kick in. So a file from an animation mod? Sure that will cause problems, because you cannot remove a needed file and expect things to still work. Or a file that you added as GENDER with FNIS? Sure again, because again there is noch fallback in this case.


Understand my point? There are so many details which are important, and which have failed to provide. But you still chose to give such basic advice, which can do more harm than help.

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