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Harvest Flora on Creatures


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I have played oblivion for a while now with a few mods including Harvest Flora. I like what it does with the plants and whatnot around oblivion, but I would like to see it on creatures as well. What do I mean by this? If I kill a minotaur and take its horn, i want to see the dead minotaur without its horn. It's like when you take armor off a dead corpse, you no longer see the armor on the dead body, I would like to see that but with misc. items like imp galls or whatever it was that the crabs carried, wolf pelts, etc. Now I am sure that if they did Harvest Flora then they can do the same for creatures. I would do it myself, but unfortunately, I have no modding experience at all whatsoever. I am asking for someone to carryout this task. I'm sure everyone will love it.
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