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no spell sellers


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What exactly did you do to the shop owner? Did you give him new merchandise to sell? Did you give him new spells to sell?


Are you saying that none of the people at any of the Mage Guilds and stores sell anything anymore? What about alchemists and Rindir of Rindir's Staffs?


Maybe you could try mod-cleaning out whatever you did in the discount spell store and testing to see if your game is back to normal. Then if it is, you could very carefully try to make your change again.

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Mod-cleaning is not going back to square one. It allows you to preserve your entire mod except for the specific changes you want to undo. So let us suppose you created three new spells and modified one shopkeeper's stats. You fouled up on the shopkeeper and it ruined Oblivion. So you go back and mod-clean out all changes to the shopkeeper. But you still have the three custom spells you made, so you saved some time and are not going back to square one.
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You might wish to share some information with the forum. It is hard to help you when you give us one-line posts and do not clearly state the nature of the problem. If you give us too much information we will be able to help you. But if you give us too little, we will shoot in the dark or not even bother.


It is good form to answer the questions which people put to you if you do not voluntarily provide that information which is sought.


If you modcleaned out the presumably toxic changes and Oblivion is still broken, perhaps it is not broken because of your mod but because of some other mod.

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You might wish to share some information with the forum. It is hard to help you when you give us one-line posts and do not clearly state the nature of the problem. If you give us too much information we will be able to help you. But if you give us too little, we will shoot in the dark or not even bother.


It is good form to answer the questions which people put to you if you do not voluntarily provide that information which is sought.


If you modcleaned out the presumably toxic changes and Oblivion is still broken, perhaps it is not broken because of your mod but because of some other mod.


Just putting something useless in here just download M.O.E Lock spells everyone will have spells all the time just during the hours they are suppose to have.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i have tryed taking out the spell. making a new person with all diffrent spells, and i know its my mod because i went on my brothers account, witch he dose not have the same mods turned on as me and i turned mine on and all the spells dissapeared.
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Okay. That is progress. You know that your mod is indeed the bad mod. You know that your spell was not the problem because modcleaning it out did not help. So now you might try reverting to one of your backups of the mod before you mod-cleaned out your custom spells. Look at the list of all the things you edited in the mod and mod-clean out all the ones you don't want or didn't even mean to make. Then play-test your mod to see if you fixed it. If you did not, then repeat. Aggressively push "ignore" on more parts of your mod and modclean them out. Do this repeatedly until you reach the point where your mod works again. Then you can start adding things back in.
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