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Item transfer between two boxes


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[GECK / Fallout NV Ultimate]

I created two Container, called: 00Container1 and 00Container2



My Script is:


ScriptName 00OpenPlayersContainerInBunker
Begin OnOpen
00Container1.removeallitems 00Container2 1 1
This is what I want, but the GECK doesn't allow me to save the script.
I tried
ref rContainer1
00Container1.removeallitems rContainer1 1 1 <-saved to a variable, but..
rContainer1.removeallitems 00Container2 1 1 <-won't run.
00Container1.removeallitems player 11 <- work okay, but not what I want
Any clue?
Thanks in advance.
Edited by wunima
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Something what would me help is: Using a container with OnActivate to open the other box.

But I don't know the script command for open inventory

showinventory.00Container2 ... or something else.



I got a solution from someone else


One Box called: MAINBox, placed on Cell,

ReferenceEditorID: MAINBoxRef

[x] Persistent Reference


Second box called: MAINBoxOpener

with script


ScriptName: MainBoxOpen

Begin OnActivate

MainBoxRef.activate Player



and the MAINBoxOpener can placed as often as you want. Its just an activator for the main box.


For those who can use this information.






Edited by wunima
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To use references in scripts, they must be persistent and have unique reference editor ID's. These editor ID's should be used in your script instead of the editor ID of the base object.

Aaah, that was my mistake, thanks a lot!

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Also, I forgot, the reference ID's won't work with numerical prefixes for some reason. You need to always begin with a letter.

That's the reason why some Modder begin their REF IDs with zz or aaa instead 00.

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