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Might & Magic Jumper Series


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Might & Magic Jumper Series

(Mod name for TES4)

by HyperGames2K8



This is a series of three mods, based on the Might & Magic games.

All three episodes are connected, and the prior episode is required to play the next one.


Episode 1: Quest for Harmondale (Emerald Isle)

Episode 2: The Dawn Crusade (Evermorn Isle & Harmondale)

Episode 3: The Mandate of Heaven (Enroth)





Episode 1 Quest For Harmondale Progress Report

BETA 4 Version 0.47


Quests 100%

NPC 100%

Spells 0%


Emerald Isle 100%

Emerald Isle Decoration 100%


Interior Cells

Temple of the moon 100%

The Dragons Lair 100%

Initiate Guild of Air 100%

Initiate Guild of Fire 100%

Initiate Guild of Body 100%

Initiate Guild of Spirit 100%

Carolyn Weather's House 100%

Markham's Headquarters 100%

Tellmar Residence 100%

Mia Lucille Home 100%

Island Training Grounds 100%

Healer's Tent 100%

The Lady Margaret Boat 100%

The Blue Bottle 100%

Two Palms Tavern 100%

Erik's Armory 100%

The Knight's Blade 100%

Emerald Enchantements 100%

Donna Wyriths Residence 100%


Overall progress 98%




Episode 2 The Dawn Crusade Progress Report

Internal Alpha Version 0.033

Quests: 0%

NPC: 0%

Spells 0%


Evenmorn Isle: 100%

Harmondale: 100%


Evermorn Isle Decoration 95%

Harmondale Decoration 41%


Interior Cells

Evenmorn Isle Interiors

Crane Residence 100%

Caverhill Residence 100%

Grand Temple Of The Sun 2%

Grand Temple Of The Moon 2%

Paramount Guild Of Water 100%

Sacred Sails 50%

Smithson Residence 100%

The Laughing Monk 100%


Harmondale Interiors

Castle Harmondale 98%

Welnin Cathedral 90%

Harmondale Townhall 100%

Initiate Guild of Earth 100%

Initiate Guild of Water 100%

Initiate Guild of Mind 100%

Adept Guild of Air 0%

Adept Guild of Body 0%

Adept Guild of Fire 100%

Adept Guild of Spirit 0%

Bowes Residence 100%

The Peasant's Smitty 100%

Tempered Steel 100%

Basic Principles 100%

Philters and Elixirs 100%

Otto's Oddities 50%

On the House 100%

Stables 100%

Mist Manor 50%

Temper Residence 100%

Krewlen Residence 0%

Withersmythe's House 50% [LILITHBD]

The Vault 100%

Stillwater Residence 0%

Mark Manor 95%

Torrent's 100%

Skinner's House 100%

White Cliff Caves 0%

Arbiter 0%

Chadric's House 0%

Weider Residence 0%

Kern Residence 0%

Hume Residence 0%


Overall Progress 50%

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We are currently looking for someone to make scripted effects for the spells. It's not many spells, as some have already been made, but a more experienced scripter is required for the rest.

The requirements is experience with making complex scripted effects.

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