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Need some help here please,Random crashes


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If my game crashed every 10 min , i wouldn't play . Cloud like i said u can always install XP as a different boot option.I'm playing the game with 2GB(kingston) ,Dual core CPUE5200 overclocked a bit from 2,50 to 2,92 . I'n playing DAO with all graphics set to high but no frame buffer effects or whatever its called and it never crashed...not once.So i don't think its a memory thing.Btw , Greece?!Where?


Thandal ,thanx :happy: for not telling on me :tongue:

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Actually it is a "memory thing". It is a well known documented fact that Dragon Age has a memory leak. If you are not getting crashes, you are in the minority...a small minority. Since you are not getting crashes, you are very, very lucky. Most of the rest of us do....with no real good reason for it. Adding mods to DA makes it worse. I get the same crashes running the crappy, low medium graphics that I do when I run the high graphics...no change either way....so if it is going to crash anyway...why run the crappy graphics? If I wanted those low level, low detail graphics, I would just fire up the gamecube. :tongue:
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the strange thing is that the game runs on high setting good enough,i just get a crash every 10 mins...


(I am from athens but i have gone to university now(called technological institute here at Kavala)


Just a strange thing that happens with dragon age:when i install it and start playin it works just fine(well a crash at every hour but i can stand that) ,but when i try to play it the next day the game crashes all the time!its so strange that it doesnt happen the first time i play the game after the install

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what's virtual memory and how do i set it? lol


I think that its when u make a part of your HD work as if its ram right?Still i dont know how it can be done and i would like u tell me if there's a possibility that it may harm my computer's hardware(like overclocking for example:overclocking makes your proccessor "die" sooner than it should be and there is a possibility that when u try to overclock it it may break down )


Thanks in advance :)



Edit:i found out how i can set the virtual memory,is it gonna help me play the game without crashing?(the memory was set to 2 gb) so do u think 1 more gb is gonna help?


ANd please if u have any ideas that could help tell em,i really wanna play this game

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