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Need some help here please,Random crashes


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oh ya lol totally forgot abt it erm im using windows xp sp3

i5 processor ATI HD 5450 3d card series and 2 gb RAM am i missing out anything (1st time posting) sorry =p

oh yeah and i tried the virtual memory thing sugested still crashed =(

Two Words: "More. RAM."


Your system's specs are at the original bare minimum for DA, and the memory leak problem hasn't really gotten much better (despite several patch attempts.)


Adding RAM is the fastest (and cheapest) thing you could do at this point. Once you're up to 3 (or hopefully 4) GB, then you can try the "FO3 Large Memory Area Flag Fix" that helps some (many?) of us:


@DDToxic; I had the same problem on a similar rig under 1.03. This worked for me, so I did it again after patching to 1.04. :thumbsup:


Original Post by akanounnikoff, on the BioWare Social Forums under topic: “Bugs with 1.03 Patch”, http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/58/index/1633999/31 (about halfway down page 31)

NOTE: Using this fix takes a (very) basic understanding of Windows file naming, folder structure, and command-line prompts.


Post from akanounnikoff:




Dragon age CTD's in Windows 7 64 bits --> partial fix maybe here !




I encountered similar CTD's problem with fallout 3 that [was] solved with the trick provided here (thanks to NMC and Madboris):

[Link to fix:] http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6510

I used the same solution for the main dragon age executable (daorigins.exe) and ... big ammélioration, only 1 CTD after more than 6 hours playing (before I couldn't play more than 10 min).


How it works:


Windows 7 64 bits is able to address large memory space (in my case I have 12 GB memory), "standard" win32 executable can't use more than 2 GB of memory.


Sometimes, when memory space is exhausted, it may cause CTDs and other bad things.

The files provided for fallout 3 by NMC can be used to patch the header of any executable, including the dragon age exe file, to make it able to exceed the 2 GB memory limit.


It is quite simple:


1) download the archive on the provided link

2) edit the start.bat file and replace any occurence of "fallout3.exe" with "daorigins.exe"

3) IMPORTANT: make a backup of your daorigins.exe file

4) copy the file in the folder where you have extracted the 3 GB enabler files

5) execute the modified start.bat and follow the instructions

6) move the patched daorigins.exe in your fallout 3 bin directory, replacing the original file.


WARNING: If you are using a 32 bit OS, you also need to allow large memory address at system level via boot.ini edition. Please read the readme included in the archive


Note: no reverse engineering here, just a modification of the header.


Please, let me know if it solved your CTD as it solved mine.



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oh well just seems like ill have to get more RAM then... but 1 thing is bugging me though after a clean uninstall and reinstall without the 1.3 patch i had no problems at all with my game no weird crashes or anything i mean

Note the first part of my post from back in August (which was a re-post from even earlier.) I only came across the FO3 (partial) fix when searching for ways to make the game playable AFTER 1.03. Did a half-dozen full un-/re-installs trying to troubleshoot my (ridiculously over-spec'd) rig only to discover that it wasn't MY kit that needed tweaked. :tongue:

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Dont patch the game means no expansions too?



Everything from DA:A on needs 1.03, (in fact, DA:A will auto-install 1.03, even if you're already at 1.04. So if you do it in that order, you'll need to re-install 1.04 after DA;A!) And GoA and WH need 1.04.


Oh, but you don't need to patch sequentially. They are cummulative, not additive.

1.04 includes everything from the earlier ones all by itself... With one glaring, (however accidental) error regarding the "scripts.ldf" file.

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oh ya lol totally forgot abt it erm im using windows xp sp3

i5 processor ATI HD 5450 3d card series and 2 gb RAM am i missing out anything (1st time posting) sorry =p

oh yeah and i tried the virtual memory thing sugested still crashed =(

I just re-read your system specs and saw the"i5" processor. Do you mean that you have a brand new system with only 2GB of RAM, or that your video card has a whopping 2GB of VRAM?

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