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Strange water problem?


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can you post a list of the mods you installed and in what order of install?

That is the demo puddle *.nif file in front of vault 101, I use that spot for calibrating My system.


getting it to Glow as you describe would be Ideal for most but can be something else not wanted too.


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Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main + DLC Merged.esp


switch positiobs of the two above, also arrange the data of the fellout mod's siblings to be beneth the main if you intend to Double up on the data, otherwise, only this is required (Fellout-Full.esp) and that only....the worl Full represents the Entire line up, that includes the dlc's, the reason the data does not match the DLC's is due to merging the data to accomidate errors and incorrect alignments, Some time we call this a custom made patch. The others are for those that do not have all of the DLC's, soem buy the game with out DLC's and downloaded them in single format from steam. .....fellout is very old. it's also available in a very old ISO image complation still hosted here in the nexus networks. Dated way back.

Fellout causes water issues. I have seen it make water go invisible at the vault101 pound wit hte first shot you posted. Turns it Crystal clear when used in combination with URWL and otehr weahter mods.

you have whats called screen tearing, maxed out video card...AKA it is swamped with non iteligable data. It can't make heads or tails of the combined data you have loaded for some reason. IT can be the drivers or load order OR even the screen size settings.


But most of the time, I can replicate that on a very powerful machine, actually duplicate it, here, it was casued by all the above. difernt mixes and matches of mods.


Ideal for you would be to keep all mods data together, not spread out as you now have it.

  • Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm
  • Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main + DLC Merged.esp
  • Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Dynamic Sneak Bonus.esp
  • Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Green Tint Remover.esp <--which is not working at all in that shot as you can plainly see.

Then this:

  • Fellout-Full.esp
  • Fellout-Anchorage.esp
  • Fellout-BrokenSteel.esp
  • Fellout-PointLookout.esp
  • Fellout-Zeta.esp


Keep them in groups as in grouped together, inverty the groups and test things, stay in one spot or pick a spot to consentrate on but fast travel out and then back to reset the cell's Every time you do, the Entire grids resets, these mods above are effected by this imediatly, but not while your in the cell, Dynamic runs in real time like a timmer, weaher mods change constanly so things change pretty fast.


Dynamic need Enhanced weather to make it work correctly though not a dependat of Enhanced, still was based from it.

start with this and see where it takes you.



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