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A few simple questions


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First off, is there a simpler way to create roads? If not, do you guys know any tricks of the trade, that I could use to create roads relitavely quickly and acurately? The reason I ask this is becaus I am working with quite a large worldspace, and I want to make sure my roads end up in the right destination.


My second question is more of a discussion like topic. Do you guys enjoy playing your own creations? By that I mean, is it still as entertaining to play your own mod, even though you know everything that is going to happen?

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1 - Use snap to grid

2 - No. Its the creating that is the fun part. Personally I have made such a big mod that I have played though so freakin many times testing it that I don't find it fun to play at all, though some of the surprises still give me goosebumps (chicken skin if you are Japanese) even though i know they are coming

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