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Star wars The Old Republic(MMORPG)


Star wars The Old Republic(MMORPG)  

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    • Crap (NO) not another MMO...........

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Well, it just seems to be capitalising too much on reputation.


Responses like those of Leet Gamer and Thor, while they are perfectly welcome to hold those opinions, really underline why I DONT like bioware. Bioware has made a few good games, the fans of which are extremely vocal, but also a few really lousy games every body seems to forget like the truly miserable alpha protocol.


This feels more like an extremely cynical marketing play, perhaps to gather some extra capital for ME3, than an honest to god game. So far Ive seen very very little actual gameplay images or footage, very little information on it from bioware except "its gonna be awesome" and "its nearly finished". Which makes me suspicious that with such an enormously anticipated game, that they really dont have all that much to show. I have the cynical expectation that this will be a very poor quality game, probably on an old engine, sold under the old republic flag so that bioware's fanboys all rush out an buy it. pessimistic I know, but Ive been a victim of that before.


Something very similar happened with Champions online. Cryptic got a huge contract: the rights to make startrek online and so to raise funds they tossed out a champions online. A remake of COH that a lot of people bought thinking it would be COH with modern visuals and better customisation-it wasnt. CO was little more than a husk, with almost no content, almost hourly server crashes. more glitches than I can mention here and such a laughably badly managed and violent community that even if the game, one of the worst mmorpgs ever, wasnt bad enough, the "too bad even for wow" community would.


Bioware is churning out games at an alarming rate and it seems strange that a corp credited for several highly acclaimed games, even one as big as bioware, could work on 3 full games at the same time. And after alpha protocol, which was essentialy a re skinned mass effect 1 but with even worse gunplay and a storyline so terrible I cant mention it for fear of being banned. I really doubt they would bother making swtor anything more than a money making exercise.


Because lucasarts is an extremely enthusiastic studio, but not a very competant one. Force Unleashed was one of the all time WORST games Ive ever had the misfortune of playing, and the LA dev leads promise at E3 for FU2 to be "forece unleashed times two" left me downright frightened. If these clowns have anything to do with this, I think champions online, though entirely colonised by furries and with the worst mmo gameplay Ive seen since AION, would seem like a holiday.

Alpha Protocal was made by Sega.


I don't really pay much to the hype about a company in general, I usually look at the product instead and say this is good. To me its kind of pointless on hating a single company alone because it doesn't go very far then making you out to be a Fanboy. I used to own all 3 Consoles and i never thought of complaining until the all mighty red ring of death on my 360, now that's the time to complain.


Make sure to read the reviews of a game before buying, then you won't have a problem.

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