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Skyrim Legendary Edition Beginning of game very glitchy.


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Hi, im new to this forum. I bought a new lap top from Xotic PC. Its a Asus G750JM with an overclocked 860m GPU, I7 processor, 12 GB Ram and 1 TB HD. When I installed the game I began to play it and the opening wagon scene was very glitchy. My Laptop says the default settings are ultra. I tried running TES5 through the DLCS and tried using BOSS to try to fix this situation but when I started to play it again all the characters in the opening scene in the wagon were all bald and it was still glitchy . Im using the disc version if that has any effect. Any pointers?

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That is actually good. I don't recommend adding mods until after you finish the entire Helgen sequence and leave the cave.

Meanwhile, Look into your ini video settings. Actually the Nvidia Experience program did help with that. But the latest version has been causing problems when used with SKSE. So I have been advising people not to use it. In your case - run the NVIDIA Update from their site, and allow it to install the Nvidia Experience along with the latest drivers. Then run the nvidia experience program - it has settings for Skyrim and is supposed to set the game for your specific card. If it does cause problems when you add SKSE later ( and you will if you use mods ) just remove the program - removing it will not change the ini settings it made. But if you worry, make a backup of the working ini first ( not a bad idea anyway)

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