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Long war : Charging of the alien pods on small maps problem


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I have been playing Long War EW Beta 13 for a few weeks and having lots of fun, its superb. One thing that imho could use some kind of solution is the alien pod charge on smaller maps.


Long war got much more aliens on maps , compared to vanilla. They also seem to react/ be drawn to firefights much faster then in vanilla. The result being most of the time on small maps, i dont move further then 1/2 move from the landing zone, when all the aleins from the map charge me in few subsequent turns. The result being small maps with 12 aleins are often much more difficult then large ufo with 25+ because on the small map you will get swarmed by them at nearly same time. And you will have nowhere to retreat, to regroup.


Imho the diifficulty of XCom climbs expotenantialy with each alien you have to face on the same turn, and much slower with total aliens you got on a given map. I know making all aliens just camp inplace is lame and destroys the game, on other hand as it is , i really feel its a bit out of control.




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I have been playing Long War EW Beta 13 for a few weeks and having lots of fun, its superb. One thing that imho could use some kind of solution is the alien pod charge on smaller maps.


Long war got much more aliens on maps , compared to vanilla. They also seem to react/ be drawn to firefights much faster then in vanilla. The result being most of the time on small maps, i dont move further then 1/2 move from the landing zone, when all the aleins from the map charge me in few subsequent turns. The result being small maps with 12 aleins are often much more difficult then large ufo with 25+ because on the small map you will get swarmed by them at nearly same time. And you will have nowhere to retreat, to regroup.


Imho the diifficulty of XCom climbs expotenantialy with each alien you have to face on the same turn, and much slower with total aliens you got on a given map. I know making all aliens just camp inplace is lame and destroys the game, on other hand as it is , i really feel its a bit out of control.

It's best to post this in the Long War Beta 13 Feedback thread.



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