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Gorangas real life system


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I'm terribly sorry because I didn't put warrning that this contains adult themes in desctiption of the thread. I don't know how to do it now...Someone younger than 18 can read this....


Status of prostitution system is now 100%.

Kids and pregnancy - 40%


With this speed I will finish the mod in a few days, maybe.


In my estimation now, it could be published at the end of Septembar.





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I'm terribly sorry because I didn't put warrning that this contains adult themes in desctiption of the thread. I don't know how to do it now...Someone younger than 18 can read this....


Status of prostitution system is now 100%.

Kids and pregnancy - 40%


With this speed I will finish the mod in a few days, maybe.


In my estimation now, it could be published at the end of Septembar.






Good news! Looking foreword to it, very much!




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Status update...


Marriage system - 70%


Marriage system:


This system continues where dating system stops. While dating, you can have one-night-stand, make lover or get married (or get blown-away if you are needy and wuss yourself out).


When you marry someone, he/she will be your companion. This can be any NPC, because dating is available at any location and with any NPC. This companion will be advanced (many options how to use him). Firstly, there are three types of clothes you can put on him/her (when you divorce him/her, original clothes and items will be brought back to him/her). You can take ownership of his/her property and items, but you can also "make home" at any place (bring spouse to your place). While at home, he/she will run AI that will be forced to him/her (when you don't need him/her on some quest). Other helpfull things that companions have are also there.


Sex and impregnation are available at all times. That means you can go around have sex and make kids everywhere (not only with your spouse). That's why there is a chance that he/she will hear about your night life and how you spend your time when he/she is not around. That will create some tension inside your family and, maybe, lead to divorce. The only thing that can save your marriage form divorce in this case is your personality and disposition.


Pregnancy and kids to go (40% at the moment). I need to make AI for kids and figure out how will player take care of them.


...After that rigorous beta testing (which I hate to do. I'm addicted to modding only !*?**..!!!?&&!?) and debugging


That's all for now,


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hello Goranga (kiss)


I'm your groupie from the very beginning, hihi, I'm happy with every new mod that you publish.


Here, I think the solution might be to use a script to change the child's body at three stages of his life, for children and adolescents, it is possible to use the "mini "X117 races, the proportion of the corp and head corresponds to your expectations.

Then the third step would obviously normal corp.

For the evolution of the face, a similar script would change at the same time as the body, the idea is to allow players to "create" the face of her child, as some mod that can create his companion from the main character.


ok, it's certainly a big work.....sure you are the best ;)



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tnx for the help in goranga dating system, i cant wait to the GRL to be released guess i have to wait it sounds so interesting i have been reading this post about a hammerfell mod that add children and teenagers to the game its not in this page, i don't know if you can post links hire (i guess i made a mistake in my other coment :whistling: ) it has some interesting screens about them in the page you can find it googlin (a hammerfell mod, the first page :wink: ) in the photos section, but i didn´t try to contact the creator and i don't know if he still workin' in those, but i think you should take a look,


they where discussing about the ting about big heads and small "breasts" and i thing he improved it again i dont kno if it stil alive since creators hasn't post any thing log time ago but some say it is still going.

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Marriage system - 90% (all features work as expected)

Pregnancy and kids - 40%


About kids....

I can taka a look at some resources in the community and ask for permission to borrow resources if it's worth to do so. I'm not willing to waste that much time if results are un-noticable. I don't think that those modder's made children are much better than simple re-scaled NPCs. I've tried this and they actualy look like children...The major problem with those modder's made children is how they will grow up. If you have one kid, that's not such a big deal, but if you want to make children for every vanila race,you are in trouble :). No no no....I stick to my solution - simple re-scaling NPCs. They look childish enough :)


What I'm more concerned at the moment is how are you going to take care of them, raise them and their AI. If I find some time, I will make some cosmetic improvements to them to make their skin look smoother etc. I will not change their head size and constitution that's for sure :)

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I have some ideas for how to care for children, but as I write very bad English, I'll try to make a readable text and send it to you in private message.


But I hope I will not be influenced too because I am the mother of 5 children and I surely have ideas about education too personal:)

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You're doing a really awesome job Goranga, keep it up! :)


I don't know if you found these or not, but Robert made a head mesh for younger looking faces, perhaps you could use them to make more childish looking npcs?



Resources have been downloaded :)


I will see how can I put this to a good use after I finish scripting.




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