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Trashed armour


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I'm looking for a mod that makes trashed armor. Like the armor of a fallen warrior, or someone that fell of a cliff, bounced a few times before getting impaled on a rusty fence. Stomped by a mammoth, gotten wacked by a giant or just a surprise dinner for a sabre tooth? Or overrun by a carriage. Your choice..

I'm mostly looking for gloves and boots that could match this since this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54423/? adds a very nice torn chainmail tunic. :smile:

Torn helmet, gloves and boots are very appreciated.

Modular armour for the win!! Mix and match! :D


Anyone up for the task?


EDIT: Some more inspiration: something that has crawled out from the grave, torn rags... Broken boots. Torn boots... ugh..

Edited by wkstrm
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