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No Display - just Sound on Startup


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Load up Fallout 3 and no title screen but can hear the music loud and clear.


I can hear the ticks of title menu scrolling through options.


I can start a new game and load up existing saves.


I know all this because I can hear it.


But for some reason I have no graphics - no display.


Problem started when I changed my compatibility mode to Windows 8 which is what I have (well, 8.1).


Setting it back though and I still have the same problem.








Windows 8.1


I7 4790K


ASUS Fromula VII Mobo


GTX Titans (x2 SLI)


16gbs Kingston RAM


1000W power supply


Strom Stryker case



Please help me figure out what the hell is wrong with my game. I'm missing some Fallout.


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