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Lion race-: Vah Shir Berserker (champions return to arms)


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I use to play Champions return to arms and i find this race simply awesome, can anyone make this race?


The thing is that this Lion Race shouldnt be a Kajiit with long hair and beard.....but a real Lion head, thik nose, badass eyes, round ears, strong neck, you know, a Lion, not a Kajiit.


Here's the image of how they look like.


Race description:


name: Vah Shir Berserker

-Vah Shir berserkers are a powerful warrior race, they have no magica but excells at combat.

-They can intimidate opponents with warcry, making 'em flee or use the berserker fury to destroy any opponent

-they're healt is high enough to wear light armor and still resist strong attacks.

-They hit with furious strenght

-Archery, magica, sneaking, speachcraft, lockpic are low on this race.


If possible, it would be awesome to have three pressets: normal Lion, Black Lion, White lion.



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