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Character won't load


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Okay, so I started with my first character and played for a little while. I'm happy playing and I save it after a couple of hours of playing and close the game. Well, when I come back to it and try to load my character, It won't work! It would get to loading the area and then crash, saying that my graphics card stopped working and had successfully recovered.


Of course this reallly irritated me, but I made a new character anyway. I got this one to level four and I liked it more than my last one. I saved it.


And the same thing happened.


I have no idea what the problem is and no matter what I do, it just won't reload. I have reinstalled and everything. I have the GOTY on Steam, so I don't know if it's actually my card, or if it's Steam. If somebody could tell me what the heck is going on, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :)

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