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Hair mod


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Hello everyone,


I'm trying to make new hair options for dragonage origins. I don't have any skill with blender but I've seen other people's work from other games such as the sims. I'd like to use their meshes and place them in the game. With no experience in making mods or meshes I haven't made alot of progress. I could use some help from more experienced people. I have a bunch of .package files that I believe are the meshes.. so what should I do now. Do I use them in blender? (I've tried that and blender can't read .package files.) Do I convert these files into another type of file and if so what? I"m not exactly tech savvy so if the tech vocabulary could be kept to a minimum that would be helpful.



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Hello Boodrl, me too I would create new hairstyle with the models coolsims because there are more differents styles and pretty ! but I begin and I have no experience. I hope we have help for the community
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i think u would need a exporter plugin for dragon age and some sort of plugin for sims, in sims 3 they use packages, not sure what sims 2 uses but look for blender or whatever 3d program they use. just search 'sims 2/3 blender plugin'

and see what pops up.


edit: i was just googling and it seems to model sims stuff u must import into milkshape then export to something that 3ds or blender can read and export to what dragonage uses and i think it should work

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chibievil : I'd like to use their meshes and place them in the game.


Hi everyone !

I suggest you start by asking permission to those creators ,before thinking of converting their work,,,

I can also tell you that you cannot do strait port of those mesh without knowledge of polygonal modeling and character rigging .

because the bone structure will differ from one game to another ,the joints will have different location ,and different names and also the scaling ,the seams at the head (in case of hair),,,in other words ,Dragon age would not understand those coordinate


I'm an Elite mesher for the sims2 ,(my creation are hosted at Bobby's Bordello @ InsimAduld.org I also made a few hair mesh for the sims2 at bobby T.H.'s Creation


I'm looking to start meshing for other games like Dragon age ,Fallout3 and Mass Effect2 (meshing for sims more then 5 years can get boring,lol)

If Any of You could point me toward the proper plugin's and utilities necessary to bring life into Dragon age ,it would me much appreciated !


PS: Lot of creators for Sims have open policy regarding their creation ,they simply ask that you give them credit for the original and perhaps add a link to your upload ,a good place to start would be "Nouk" ,she as created dozen's of low poly hair mesh ,an is regarded as the best hair creator (in sims world).

Edited by bobbythehacker
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to mesh dragonage Booby, u will need a importer and exporter for the models, and it really depends on the program u use 3ds max here is plugin : 3ds max plugin


enjoy and goodluck

Thanks for the tip 'chibievil' ! ya,I use 3dMax2010 *quickly downloading*

also ,you are correct about MilkShape3D but it involves a bit more ...


<<to :Boodrl >>

-Before first :check their TOU 'term of use' for clearance

- First :you'll have to open the '?mesh?'.package with "SimPe" ,and extract the gmdc aka 'Geometry Data Container ' as a .5gd

-Second :with the proper plug-ins ((msS2MImp.dll) by WesW its call "UniMeshImporterV4.09A" available at MTS2) placed into your plugin folder of MS3D ,,,

Third :you can now export as an .obj usable by almost all 3d programs ...

ALL these plug-ins are available at ModTheSims aka MTS2

- on a side note ;Blender as a plugin for Sims2 as well,save you all these steps *assuming you like working with Blender*

regardless of the program used ,you will have to have knowledge of "Character Rigging" because all vertices will have to be reassign properly,i can tell you from experience that ('Bones weigh assignment' for character animation is the most complex part of meshing ,although hair are lest animated and a bit easier then clothing.


And thanks "Eshme" for those plug-ins I have yet to try :thumbsup:

i'll soon find out what i can do with them . :smile:

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I've tried importing the files into MS3D but an error comes up.


ERR: Too many P1 sections for this implementation.


What does this mean and is there a way to fix it?

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I've tried importing the files into MS3D but an error comes up.

ERR: Too many P1 sections for this implementation.

What does this mean and is there a way to fix it?

If you get that error ,It's very likely that the creator didn't want is/her mesh modified...

Thats how i lock my mesh,,,bare in mind that i am still active in the sims community and explaining how to unlock this ,would be considered an act of betrayal on my part.

I suggest you try another mesh !

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Hello bobbythehacker,


I see your work for sims2 good work !! I hope you must create too beauty hair for dragon age origins !!



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Hello bobbythehacker,

I see your work for sims2 good work !! I hope you must create too beauty hair for dragon age origins !!


Thanks Mya ,I do love making new hair and DAO is the game for it,cause were i work (at Insimadult.org 18+) i'm not allow to post hair mesh,its not in my contract (agreement) :rolleyes: ,so I'm stuck making sexy clothings for sims,LOL

All my hair mesh at (insimenator.org PG13) will be ported to DOA before i make new ones ,so keep an eye out for them...

In response to your first post ~ "I hope we have help for the community" ~ I will be happy help in whatever concerns sims mesh extract and export ,but i have yet to learn the tools of DAO yet

I've tried importing the files into MS3D but an error comes up.ERR: Too many P1 sections for this implementation.What does this mean and is there a way to fix it?

Not to sound like an ass,I will unlock the mesh for you if you can provide me with the mesh name and download link ,as long as this doesn't go against the creators wishes ,in some case depending on the mesh complexity and the technique used to imported into sims,it is possible that the "Pi error was not intentional ...(you don't need to hunt for the creator's TOU,i know them all by heart ),i will way for your reply !
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